In collaboration with Modern Healthcare, Acurity conducted a survey of more than 200 healthcare executives to gain insight into the role of supply management in hospitals and health systems, as... read more →
We know that supply chain leaders are best suited to lead CQO initiatives for their organizations. However, the way to begin applying CQO principles to everyday operations—and then ingrain these... read more →
Not too long ago, the supply chain’s sole responsibility was order taking and procurement. But as the industry continues to evolve and hospitals take on value-based models, the healthcare supply... read more →
The digitization of hospital operations has allowed healthcare providers to integrate their electronic networks and share patient information across a variety of care settings. While digital systems have helped hospitals... read more →
Patients are admitted to the hospital expecting to receive care and return to good health. Yet on any given day, roughly one in 25 hospital patients suffers from a healthcare-associated... read more →